Currently April 2016

The post I did on Monday, and the one I'm doing today-- is inspired from Khushboo.

Current Book : Sadly, I have not read a book in a long time. I think the last I read were the Twilight Series (*gulp*)

Current Music: Purple Rain by Prince!!!

Current Excitement : None to be honest, but let's just say I'm at a happy place and that is pretty exciting :)

Current Drink: WATER,  YESSS, three days down and hopefully this is the end of soda for me!

Current TV Show : I started to watch- ' Fear the Waling Dead', a prequel to the hit series The Walking Dead, its  sort of interesting to watch how it all began!

Current Guilty Pleasure: Lindors..I had so many that now I should detox soon.

Current Blessing: I'm in a good place , and  thats the best blessing.

Current Mood : Well, I'm positive that, I will nail my weight loss this year, despite the hiccups!

Current Link:  IMDB, just cause I'm a soap-o-holic!!!

What are your current favorites?